Wedding prep top nutrition tips

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I was interviewed by the magazine I Do I Do I Do to give them wedding prep nutrition tips

1. How did you get started in nutrition and health?

I have always loved everything to do with food and recognised its importance in creating, sustaining, and maintaining healthy, happy individuals. Nutrition, health and educating others have been my passion and purpose for many years now. Like most, I have had challenges with my health. When I was in my early 20’s my mum was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s. This led me to begin my journey towards healthy eating and healthier lifestyle choices. Around the time of my mother’s diagnosis, my periods stopped, and I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. Three years later, it was discovered I had a second stomach, which I had removed. Consequently, this led to numerous hernia repair operations. I then went on to pursue my lifelong goal of studying nutrition and health, after careers in secondary school teaching and technology.


2. What would you say is the most important part of nutritional planning ahead of the wedding?

Get organised and give yourself time to plan out the week ahead and the healthy meals you intend on eating. Your nutrition and health should be prioritised and an easy way to achieve that if you find it hard to do so is to organise, plan and schedule how your week ahead for your nutrition, self-care and life will look. 

Everyone is unique and my approach in working with clients is just that, there cannot be a set plan suitable for everyone.  Our unique tastes, lifestyles, likes, and dislikes drive our food choices. I work with clients providing bespoke individualised plans and a personalised grocery shopping service.  This helps people to eat the foods right for them.


3. In terms of stress, sleep and the planning of the big day, what supplements or diet advice would you recommend?

Firstly, ditch the word diet, be diet agnostic!  Are bodies’ much like our brains do not like to be shocked or overwhelmed.  Aim to eat food not formulations, labels can lie so always read the ingredients.  Your immune system is your body’s first line of defence against viruses, bacteria, parasites, and infection.  When you are stressed, it cannot operate at its optimum level.  Up to 80% of our immunities live in our gut and by feeding that well we can best support and protect our immune systems.  Having a healthy daily routine and management techniques in place can help us to manage the stressors in our lives more effectively and combat the impact stress has on our body. 

Sleep is your superpower and its’ free so take full advantage of that and prioritise it.  Getting a good night’s sleep allows us to manage and deal with stress and the food choices we make in the best way.  It’s also paramount to supporting our immune health.


4. What is one thing that you wish couples knew when starting into their health and fitness journey ahead of their wedding?

Focus on progress and making small changes now for long term health benefits. You are building a lifelong future together; your lifestyle and health is a major part of that.


5. How can a bride maintain healthy habits after the wedding?

Think about your new healthy habits, as just that, your new routine, normal and narrative.  Focus on what you are gaining, not losing.   A simple shift in mindset and by changing the language around your why can have a powerful impact on successfully achieving your goals.


6. Do you have any self-care or mental health tips?

Lots! Most importantly self-care and mental health must be prioritised.  Disconnecting from technology every evening for a few hours before bed can really help to set you up for a good night’s sleep. People’s preferences around self-care differs depending on their interests, stressors, de stressors, likes, and dislikes.  These might include reading, cooking, walking, getting a massage, sea swimming, going for a walk in nature, listening to music, taking a bath, mediating, yoga or doing breath work. Whatever your preferred self care tool is, doing it mindfully and solely by itself can really help to keep you present, fully enjoy it and gain maximum benefits from it.


7. What would be your top piece of advice for a couple planning their wedding?

Sleep well😊 

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